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Laserwash 4000 Pager Notification
Does your laserwash 4000 system have a page out feature when there is a malfunction?
Many laserwash 4000 car wash systems are set up to dial out a pager when there is a malfunction. However, many car wash owners don't like the idea of carrying a separate pager when they already have a cellphone.
The Virtual Pager system solves this issue. We will supply you with a pager telephone number that is fully compatible with most Laserwash 4000 alert systems. When the system dials out the pager phone number, the codes sent by the system display on your cellphone as either a text message or an email depending on how you configure your virtual pager service.
You may set up your virtual pager online and be up and running today if ordered by 6pm eastern time (orders received after 6pm, weekends and holidays will be activated the next business day).
Helpful Laserwash 4000 settings for dialing out pager:
Dash on pager= no, Terminate call with #= yes, Ignore dialtone=no, Delay to dailtone=15 seconds, Access delay= 7 seconds.
Also, make sure the pager does not have any voiceprompt or voicemail, it should just beep several times when dialed. The voice prompt feature may interfere with the laserwash 4000 dial out capability. In addition, if the pager phone number is a long distant phone number, you will need to set up the laserwash 4000 to first dial a 1, then the area code, then the pager phone number. If you do not have long distance on the phone line that the laserwash 4000 dials out on and the pager phone number is not local, you will not get paged. Toll free 800 pager numbers are available as an additional cost option. Many multi unit car wash owners that have multi state locations have chosen the toll free number option, rather than pay long distance fees.
If you are not receiving pager notification, it is very helpful if you have a phone hooked up to the same line as the laserwash 4000 so you can listen to the dial out sequence and hear if the pager connects and if the page is sent.